Trinidad, Cuba

Day 4
Tad and I had talked about going Scuba diving so it was ironic when we were eating breakfast and the friend of our casa owner had a scuba shop. He waited for us to finish breakfast and then we went scuba diving. I had never been scuba diving before but he gave me an introductory course and then allowed me to scuba dive for about 45 minutes with him. It was nice and relaxing. There were some colorful fish but nothing compared to other places I’ve been to like Curacao or Hawaii. Cuba is a beautiful place. The people are really laid back. I especially wanted to visit Cuba before the USA restricted their travel restriction (which I find idiotic). Once that happens, it will be like going to Miami with a McDonalds on every block and everything with crazy prices.
Trinidad is a very small town but we were always doing something and keeping busy. We went into the city near the historic center. There is not much there but still a quaint and beautiful place to visit. It even had an internet café. We decided to go to Playa Ancon which is about 9 km from La Boca where we were staying. We stayed just a hundred yards from the sea. It was nice and the people we stayed with were wonderful. After the beach we came home and we sat in the patio and talked to the owner of the casa. He was such an intelligent guy. His kids are living in the United States and Spain. He is very well spoken. My Spanish is getting better and better to the point of being able to have detailed conversations about politics. It was funny whenever we talked about Castro he wouldn’t say his name but would just make a “beard motion” with his hands. He explained life pre and post Russian assistance, talked in details about the laws there and how he longed for change. People should note that things will change. I firmly believe things will change within the next 3 to 4 years and so did the owner. Change is inevitable. I’m glad I got to experience life here before it does. He also told me that casa particulars have to pay $400 US a month to operate their casas. That is such a high price and it boggles my mind. He said every few months the government makes it more and more difficult for casa particular owners as they are trying to drive tourists into the state run hotels so they can profit from tourism. Now, the government only makes the $400 per month from the casa particular owner as opposed to the $100 a night from the nice hotels and the expensive meals.
I’m sitting here in my casa particular just relaxing and updating my journal. This is one of the few downtimes I’ve had. I’ve brought about 7 paperback books and only am halfway through one of them.
Later that night – What an adventurous night. HHG called us to see if we would meet her at Casa de la musica. We met her for a drink and then we watched some dancing. We were determined to find some girls to party with tonight. We went to a few places that the locals said were good. Casa Arte and a Bar called Chocolate. Both were completely dead so we went back to CDM. We were getting a little frustrated on how difficult it was to meet local girls here. We even talked to this guy from Mexico City that spoke English. He told us he has been to Cuba 4 times and never had this much trouble in any town. He was leaving in the morning for Las Tunes. He was complaining how expensive Trinidad was but I thought it was cheap. I’m not sure how you can expect it to get cheaper than $20 -$30 for a place to sleep. (I was use to paying $200 - $300 per night at 5 star hotels). Food isn’t expensive.
Anyway CDM was still hopping. When we arrived there we immediately ran into HHG. She was with two Cuban girls. One was really cute and had a nice body. She was just my type. The other girl was black. HHG told me that she was coming to find Tad and I to party with these girls. (I kept telling HHG I wanted to meet some local girls). Then the cute girl says she can’t talk to me here in public. I tell her OK let’s go talk somewhere in private. It's very frustrating to try to just meet and party with the locals. I guess the cops assume the girls are all prostitutes if they are with a tourist.
Tad and I ended up partying with these local girls. Tad couldn't speak Spanish but he still seemed like he was enjoying himself with his new girlfriend. We ended up going out after we left our girls. We went to Fresca Chocolate where there was not much action. There were a bunch of gay guys so we left. When we walked out we bumped into our girls from earlier that night. I was surprised when my girl asked me for a ride home. She said she lived several miles away and didn’t have money for a taxi. I asked her why she was so worried before and now didn’t seem to be. I told her it might be dangerous for her and her friend but she didn’t seem worried. I asked her again and got the same answer. They got into our car and I told them I was hungry. She asked if I would buy them something to eat too. I told them sure but maybe it wasn’t a good idea to be seen with tourists. She said as long as we weren’t in the historic center it was fine. I was doubtful but I asked her about 3 times and she kept saying it was OK.
We get to this rapido (fast food joint) that is open 24/7. We order some sandwiches and we are joking around having a good time. TAD and I are laughing about how Trinidad has a big learning curve but we were happy to have figured it out. Right around this time a cop outside motions for the girls to come out. The girls look scared. I’m thinking this might happen and that’s why I asked them 3 times if it was ok. The cop takes their ID’s. I ask them if it will help if I talk to the police officer. She said maybe. Unbeknownst to me the cop is not there. I figure out that there is a police station around the corner. I guess the cops told the girls to stop by the police station. I couldn't figure it out. All we were doing was eating with them at a fast food place. Just talking and laughing. Doing nothing remotely illegal.
I go into the police station and explain to them that we were dumb lost Americans that needed something to eat and they showed us. Then the girls were hungry so we offered them something to eat. The cop clearly didn’t want to deal with me. His only words to me were, “are you her husband”? There was nothing I could do. The girls motioned to leave. TAD and I felt terrible but I did ask the girls about 3 times if this was ok. The girls were stupid to do this. I think the police were just shaking them down. We talked to several girls throughout the trip that said the cops just wanted $5 or $10 whenever they can get it. Horrible. The cops here are horrible. I went to bed that night wondering if the girls were ok and hoping the cops didn’t search them because they would surely find money that we donated to them. I’ve never felt guilty for spending time with a girl and this wasn’t a good feeling.
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